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The five ways of donating

Here you can help the way you prefer the most!

Be a Volunteer

List of Needs

Visit our Bazaar

Monetary Donation

Donate a Product

Como ajudar

List of Needs

Colaborate in the operation of the house donating essential products to mantain a quality assistance for our patients!
Every donation has a great impact for everyone!
In order to see the list download the following file:

Visit our Bazaar

In order to guarantee our functioning we have two permanent bazaars and all of our products come from donations!
Visit us and cooperate to help us to attend more and more patients!​
Nossas unidades:
Bazar Casa Maria Helena Paulina

Directly in our Casa!


Opening hours:

From Monday to Friday: : 9h - 18h

Saturday: 9h - 15h


R. Judith Passald Esteves, 137 - Jd. Colombo - São Paulo/SP • CEP 05625-03

Bazar Casa Maria Helena Paulina

Bazaar no Taboão da Serra

Opening hours:

From Monday to Friday: : 9h - 18h

Saturday: 9h - 15h

R. Fideralina Gomes  de Almeida, 324 - Jd. Record - Taboão da Serra/SP • CEP 06784-380

Be a Volunteer

According to the Sao Paulo Volunteering Center “Being a volunteer is donating your time, work and talent to social and community interest causes and with that improve the quality of life of the community”.


There are various ways and opportunities of participating in our house: you can help in the entertainment of the kids, organising walks or helping us with the work under your speciality!


 Fill in the form below for more information and we will answer soon by email. Read also our volunteering programme below:




Participate in our activities and help us to attend more and more patients!

Thank you very much for wanting to collaborate!

Lista de necessidades

Monetary Donation

Casa Maria Helena mantains its activities thanks to the support and the occasional donations of physical and legal persons and of the community in general.
Contribute financially to help our activities!
We hugely appreciate your cooperation!
Pessoa Jurídica
Bank Deposit
CNPJ: 69.107.142
Banco: Itaú
Agência :0062
C/c : 35.926-0
Banco: Bradesco
Agência :0516
C/c : 70.758-9
Banco: Brasil
Agência :3050-3
C/c : 2004-4
Pessoa Física

Ways of donating:

 - Credit card

 - Bank slip

 - Debit card

In case you want to help in any other way, contact us through this phone number or click the button to send us an email or to see other ways of donating

Telephone: (11) 3744-7492

(11)3772-5661  (11)3743-3516


Donate your Product

In order to mantain our activities, we rely on the donation of products to be used at our house or sold at our bazaar!



Simple and easy: fill in the form below and we will contact you by email to confirm the removal of the product or its delivery directly to our house (you can choose). We are looking for second-hand products that are in good contition and that allow being used or sold. We are really thankful for your small donation. It is really important for us!

Schedule your donation

Congratulations! Your message was sent! We will contact you soon


R. Judith Passald Esteves, 137 - Jd. Colombo - São Paulo/SP • CEP 05625-030

Telefone: (11) 3744-7492 | (11) 3772-5661 | (11) 9-4801-3352 (whatsapp)

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